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Welcome To The NPELRA GASB 75 Self-Serve Model

Actuarial Valuation of Postemployment Benefit Plan (OPEB)

Our GASB 75 Self-Serve Model is an online tool that provides small public employers (less than 100 members) the opportunity to comply with GASB 75 requirements at a low cost. The model delivers a complete and timely valuation with a comprehensive report developed by our team of expert actuaries.

If you offer postemployment benefits such as medical, dental, vision or life, GASB 45 requires that your organization report the value of those current and future benefits. Our tool will first assess your eligibility to use the GASB Self-Serve model, based on your answers to some simple questions. Then, using step-by-step guidance regarding plan components and contributions, and an easy-to-use data entry format, you will quickly be able to enter all data necessary to complete a valuation.

Our model has been thoroughly tested by Gallagher Benefit Services actuaries to confirm accuracy. Please contact us for pricing information.

Please click here to see if you qualify.

 © Healthcare Analytics, a Division of Gallagher Benefit Services, Inc. 2009